Development Stream

How I use Stream

I created Stream because I wanted a simple reverse chronological timeline of feeds. Dave Winer calls it a River of News. That’s also how Stream got its name. A stream is just a small version of a river – yes, that’s an oversimplification, but you get the idea.

Anywho, I just wanted to share how I use Stream. There is, of course, no wrong way to use it. Just use it your way.

When I announced Stream 1.0 was shipping I mentioned it was a complement to your existing feed reader. That’s why I want to talk about how I use it.

I use Stream for feeds that only update a few times a day. I don’t use it for feeds, like say, the New York Times. It’s just too much to consume without the folder organization system of other feed readers.

When I decided I should trim out feeds that published many, many, articles a day I exported my feeds list as OPML, removed the busy feeds from Stream, manually removed the lightweight feeds from the OPML I’d exported, imported the trimmed OPML into Feedbin, connected Unread to my Feedbin account on iOS and connected it to NetNewsWire on the Mac.

Wow. That sounds like a lot of work, but it wasn’t. Now I have my very casual list of bloggers I love to read. It’s still 162 feeds, but most of those feeds post rarely and the ones that post most often, like Kottke and Daring Fireball, only post a few times a day. It makes using Stream a real joy.

If you’re curious about my feeds feel free to checkout my OPML file.


Evergreen ODB

Brent Simmons: “And: different syncing systems might need different properties, and I don’t really want to create an uber-schema which is the union of all of these. (And I don’t want to create a Feed protocol, because Set is then impossible.)”

I too am working on an RSS reader for Mac and iOS but I’ve chosen to make what Brent refers to as an uber-schema. We’ll see how it works. I think it’s going to be fine but I’m really curious to watch what Brent’s ODB turns into.

His idea of a more document centric storage mechanism is probably going to be really nice for an RSS reader. It doesn’t need to keep data around forever and requires a very small amount of data to work well.

There are, of course, document — NoSQL — databases readily available. The first one that comes to mind is CouchBase Lite.