Look at the 1980’s. If you loved craft brews, or micro brews, you were hard pressed to find something. Today we have TONS of great beer to choose from.
Brewers like Seattle’s Redhook started at a great time.
Life is good.
Look at the 1980’s. If you loved craft brews, or micro brews, you were hard pressed to find something. Today we have TONS of great beer to choose from.
Brewers like Seattle’s Redhook started at a great time.
Life is good.
Thomas Monopoly @thomasmonopoly: “On July 15 2011 you turned off my entire Google account. You had absolutely no reason to do this, despite your automated message telling me your system “perceived a violation.†I did not violate any Terms of Service, either Google’s or account specific ToS, and your refusal to provide me with any proof otherwise makes me absolutely certain of this. And I would like to bring to your attention how much damage your carelessness has done.”
Here’s an example of The Mythical Cloud gone wrong.
New York Times: “OSLO — Norway suffered a pair of devastating attacks on Friday when powerful explosions shook the government center here, killing seven people, and shortly after a gunman stalked youths at an island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party, killing at least 80.”
You don’t have to be an Islamist extremist to kill a bunch of people, this one was, apparently, a Christian extremist. Sickening.
I remember all too well when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. That bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children.
Today’s event in Oslo made me think of Oklahoma City.
WTFnoway.com: “$114,500,000,000,000. – US unfunded liabilities. To the right you can see the pillar of cold hard $100 bills that dwarfs the WTC & Empire State Building – both at one point world’s tallest buildings. If you look carefully you can see the Statue of Liberty.”
Reuters: “(Reuters) – U.S. law-enforcement agencies are increasingly obtaining warrants to search Facebook, often gaining detailed access to users’ accounts without their knowledge.”
The more you know.
Zeldman: ‘My eyes slid toward her of their own accord, and as they landed, I saw that her smiling, knowing, superior but also playfully flirtatious eyes were locked on mine. She had been watching me studiously avoid looking at her, waiting for the inevitable collapse of my will, the moment when I could no longer resist. “Busted,†her eyes said. “You didn’t fool me for one minute. Yes, it’s me. Nice meeting you. Bye.‒
Fun story.
SmartBlog on Leadership: “First of all, interns should not be fetching coffee at all. They are not personal assistants and shouldn’t be treated as such. In an ideal internship, at least 51% of the experience should be spent learning and the remaining time should be spent applying what they learned. Remember, mentorship and education come first.”
Go read the article, it’s short, and worth it.
Tammy Camp: “This past week I was banned from one of my favorite conferences because I wouldn’t have sex with one of the organizers. Given that this is the third time a similar situation has happened in a year’s time, I’m learning how to swallow this pill of injustice without throwing up every time.”
Pathetic. Whoever the guy is should have his butt whopped.