
Cutting Back

The White House: “To crack down on this wasteful spending, last week I announced agency plans to close 137 data centers by the end of 2011, of which 39 have already been shut down. For example, HHS is shutting down a data center in Rockville, Maryland that is 14,992 square feet and requires $1.2 million annually for electricity costs alone.”

I wonder if there are systems they could run on Amazon or Rackspace? That could cut costs even more.


Firestone Walker Abacus

Putts & Pints: 1. Firestone Walker Abacus: You want the WOW factor? This beer delivers. A barleywine aged in bourbon barrels (some say for three years). At 13 percent, it packs a wallop, but the taste is startling. And I mean that in a good way. One third of the way through the beer year, I have an early candidate for best beer of 2011.”

I love Firestone Walker, no doubt about it. Abacus is something I’ve been dying to try and haven’t had the opportunity.

If you like, or love, barley wines you owe it to yourself to give Abacus a try.


Choosing a good backup phone

Tested: ” If you want to save a little cash, and maintain your freedom, you can always pick up a used Android phone on eBay or Craigslist. Since you would be getting this phone second hand, warranties are of little use. You need to make sure the handset is as described. That guy on Craigslist probably doesn’t take returns.”

Having a nice GSM based Android phone as a backup isn’t such a bad idea, especially if you’ll be traveling to Europe.

Life Social

Do you Facebook?

Gizmodo: “I will grant you this: Facebook, much like Twitter, has a lot that sucks about it. A tremendous amount. You’re exposed to inane human behavior on a scope and volume unprecedented in the history of mankind. And yes, there are privacy eyebrow-raises that are warranted—it’s a little weird that people I barely know anymore see where I work, where I live, and who I’m talking to. And there’s plenty of crap. Pokes from creepy people. Photos of idiots. Moronic comments. Racism. All the worst parts about our species, sandwiched between poorly-targeted banner ads.”

I have Facebook for one reason. My family is on Facebook. I’ve taken to posting links to political commentary, that should chase a few folks off, but by and large I use it to push links to with weblog. My weblog is where my real online identity lies and it’s where I write. Facebook is just another distribution mechanism for me.



Yahoo! News: “Students who attend Chicago’s Little Village Academy public school get nothing but nutritional tough love during their lunch period each day. The students can either eat the cafeteria food–or go hungry. Only students with allergies are allowed to bring a homemade lunch to school, the Chicago Tribune reports.”

Say what? This is the dumbest thing I’ve EVER heard. Wouldn’t this be considered child abuse?

Hopefully there’s no truth to the story.

Life Local

San Louie Magazine

San Louie: “We’ve released San Louie issue 1 to iPad. Users will need to install the free MagCloud app, enter San Louie in the search field, and bingo! No need to pay anything, please enjoy this holiday present from San Louie and let us know what you think.”

I think we’ll have to subscribe.

If you’re a former SLOcal why not subscribe?

Life Potter

How about a Butterbeer

amybites: “If you’ve read the books or seen the movies, you know that butterbeer is a beverage in the Harry Potter universe. There’s been a lot of speculation in the fan community over the years as to what it tastes like, and there’s been lots of recipe experimenting. However, I think that whoever developed the recipe for the park did an amazing job. I couldn’t get enough of the stuff! It was served in two forms: regular, just like soda, or frozen, like a slushie (my favorite)—both topped with a delicious, creamy, frothy, thick foam. The way I can best describe it is like butterscotch cream soda—but better.”

I’ve wondered what a butterbeer taste like for years, now I know. The article goes on to describe a recipe for butterbeer cupcakes. Maybe Haileigh will make some for us?


Honey Bees

The Guardian: “The decline of bee populations has become an increasing concern in recent years. “Colony collapse disorder”, the name given to the unexplained death of bee colonies, is affecting hives around the world. Scientists say there are likely to be numerous reasons for the die-off, ranging from agricultural pesticides to bee pests and diseases, pollution, and intensive farming, which reduces bee habitat and replaces multiple food sources with single, less nutritious, sources. Globalisation may also be a factor, as it spreads bee diseases around the world, and some measures taken to halt the deaths – such as massing bees in huge super-hives – can actually contribute to the problem, according to a recent study by the United Nations.”




USA Today Travel: “SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. – The Happiest Town in the Whole USA is surrounded by lush hills that at this time of year are so intensely green, they practically sparkle. A refreshing breeze wafts in from the Pacific, just 10 miles away. There’s no need for a car, since the downtown is infinitely walkable. And if you do drive, traffic jams are rare.”


The priciest gas in all of California

Fill 'er up?SLO Tribune: “The average price for regular unleaded gas in the Atascadero/Paso Robles/San Luis Obispo area was $4.17 a gallon on Thursday, according to AAA’s daily fuel gauge report. That price was 23 cents more than a month ago, $1 more than a year ago and the highest average in the California markets surveyed by AAA.”

I guess you gotta pay to play.