Provisioning. That’s the thorn. At least it’s the thorn in my side. It seems they go goofy once in a while and it’s always a pain in the butt to straighten them out. It’s been my experience that deleting them from Organizer and refreshing straightens them out, not this time. This time I’m stuck.
I believe this entry from Stack Overflow may be what I want but I’m actually afraid to pull the trigger. If I revoke everything will my app continue to function?
This bit troubles me:
Open Xcode. Click WINDOW > ORGANIZER. Then click the Devices tab and select “Provisioning Profiles” on the left. That should bring up your provisioning profiles. Highlight one by one (if more than 1), right click and delete profile. Yes, just do it! Delete them all! (I kept making a new one after a new one trying to make the thing work.)
Delete them all? Really? Is this the “correct” way to fix the problem?
Any help appreciated. Once I get this solved I will document how to fix it.
UPDATE: I followed the directions on Stack Overflow and generated a new provisioning profile. It worked. Scary.