Development Life

A Living Resume

Eat your own dog food.James Robertson: “One of the things I got asked about was my technical chops – since I’d been working in software promotion, did I still have any useful skills from a development perspective? Well, the blog is a living, breathing example of the fact that I know at least a few things. The code is in the public repository, so it’s easily accessible as well.”

James is a Smalltalker, and a darned good one. He not only promotes Smalltalk but eats his own dog food. His weblog is a living testament to that.

Not such a bad way to sell yourself.


Debugging with Seaside

James Robertson: “People underestimate the importance of this a lot. In fact, you can find plenty of developers (including Rubyists) who will tell you that you shouldn’t debug at all; tests will do it all for you. What that really means is this: debuggers in other languages are very, very different from what we have in Smalltalk, and when you get into Seaside, it’s even more cool”

This is one of the things that bugs me about most web development. You don’t have a great debugger and folks that say you don’t need one are kidding themselves. Debuggers are great for more than actual debugging of code. You can use them to figure out the flow of your code, stepping through it to force code paths, and the like.

If I were to become a full time web developer Smalltalk would be on a very short list of choices because its’ maturity.