Dave Winer: “Imagine how a camera with the Twitter or Facebook logo would work. You wouldn’t even need to configure it beyond telling it your Facebook username and password. If Canon isn’t working on this now they’ll be out of the low-end camera business in less than five years. That’s how quickly the Apple/Google juggernaut is moving.”
It would make complete sense for camera manufacturers to embed wireless into their cameras, especially at the low end. Dave’s hit the nail on the head. If they’re not doing this now, they’re not very smart. I’d imagine it would be quite easy to get a wireless chipset with an entire IP stack that can do everything Dave mentions above for fractions of a penny, they don’t need some fancy schmancy OS, just the basics on the camera. The configuration can be done on the client, or better yet, on the web.
For me the question is, who will be first?
I know I’d written about this at one point or another, I just can’t find it. Must have been in a tweet.