
Movie line of the week answer

Good morning! We have a winner, and he’s a newcomer!

Congratulations Dan Serrato!

The correct answer was…


Thanks for playing, and we’ll see you next week!


Cutting Back

The White House: “To crack down on this wasteful spending, last week I announced agency plans to close 137 data centers by the end of 2011, of which 39 have already been shut down. For example, HHS is shutting down a data center in Rockville, Maryland that is 14,992 square feet and requires $1.2 million annually for electricity costs alone.”

I wonder if there are systems they could run on Amazon or Rackspace? That could cut costs even more.


Movie line of the week

Cut, cut, cut!Good morning, I missed last week, out sick, darned allergies.

Here’s the line, good luck!

I’m your huckleberry…

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.