Things aren’t looking good for Twitter clients, I know, I’m reading a lot into it, but it sure looks bad.
Last night Gedeon Maheux of Iconfactory posted this on Twitter.
The writing's no longer on the wall, it's in our faces in big, BLOCK letters. #planB
— Ged Maheux (@gedeon) August 14, 2012
This morning he followed up with this choice tweet.
Wearing my Ollie shirt today, thought it was fitting.
— Ged Maheux (@gedeon) August 15, 2012
It really reads like Twitter is shutting the door on third party clients that display a stream.
This bothers me for a lot of reasons, but mostly because I’m a fan of Iconfactory’s work and they’ve done nothing but contribute great work to the Mac and iOS community for years.
I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.
Long live Ollie.