Development Mobile

Choosing Native

Links the kitty!Andrey Butov: “The people who really seem to benefit from using the abstraction layers are web developers who aren’t comfortable with native code (C/C++/Obj-C/Java), but who are very strong in Javascript/HTML5/CSS. I’m not in that camp, so having to skip a native-code implementation, in favor of Javascript, would actually be a disadvantage for me, rather than a benefit.”

Andrey does a great job of sharing some of the reasons it’s best to choose a native platform over something like Titanium.

I guess we all go to our comfort zone when it comes to life, and that holds true for software developers as well. I prefer to use the platform tools, so I have a history of writing in C, C++, and now Objective-C. Yes, it’s painful to learn a new platform, but I think it’s worth it.

UPDATE (8/26/2012, 2:20PM)

Branch: A Blow To HTML5: “Facebook has now largely moved away from HTML5 in favor of native Objective-C code with their new iOS apps. And the results speak for themselves. Facebook had been one of the companies that most vocal in their support of HTML5 as the future of everything. The apps suffered as a result. And now they’re changing their tune. Is HTML5 still just not ready for prime time? At least on mobile?”

HTML5+JavaScript is never going to be as fast as a native application. I think it depends on the goals for you application. If you’re ok with a lowest common denominator experience, a web site will do just fine. If you need a rich, interactive, experience you may want to create a native application, especially on mobile. When I use my desktop I don’t mind visiting website based services as much. I think it comes down to screen real estate and I can easily switch away from the site and dow something else, while it loads.

I guess the bottom like is, I believe native is a better choice, at least for the foreseeable future.

By Rob Fahrni

Husband / Father / Developer

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