Indie iOS

Brutally Honest

A wonderful bouquet of flowers.Becky Hansmeyer: “My code sucks. It just does. I’m inexperienced, I’ve had no mentors or code reviews (by choice—I’ve had offers from many great people!), and there are fundamental concepts of programming that I only have a tenuous grasp of, at best. Despite my best efforts, I’ve utterly failed at using the MVC model. My views are all up in my model’s business, I probably have delegates where I don’t need them, or, on the flip side, other weird hacky ways of communicating between view controllers (like via viewWillDisappear and unwind segues, and all sorts of odd places) where I should have just used a delegate.”

You know what, Becky. My code sucks too. I’ve been doing this professionally for 30-years and my code is still crap. I work really hard at honing my craft. Continually learning is the key to longevity in this business so just keep plugin away.

Becky here’s something to keep in mind. You’ve shipped a successful product. Nobody cares what your code looks like. You shipped! In the end that’s all that matters.

Remember this: the only bad code is code that never ships.

By Rob Fahrni

Husband / Father / Developer