
Drafting posts for

Since switching to as the publishing system for my weblog I’ve been on the hunt for a good way to write posts in a draft form. I tried Bear and I love how it works, it’s absolutely beautiful. I was really close to purchasing the yearly subscription, then I realized I’m paying for Evernote.

I’m really torn. Both applications sync, both have text editors, but I use Evernote for clipping web pages and organizing by categories and tags. As far as I’m aware Bear doesn’t have anything comparable?

I didn’t realize sync was going to be so important to me. I guess I was spoiled by WordPress. I could start a post and revisit it. doesn’t have such a thing but I have a need to start on my iPhone and finish on my Mac or vice-versa.~~ Update: [ does support drafts]( Thanks, Mitch! If MarsEdit had an iOS version I’d definitely consider pulling the trigger on Mac and iOS versions.

If you’re using Bear or Evernote I’d love to know how you use them. If you have a different solution please share that.

By Rob Fahrni

Husband / Father / Developer