Apple iPhone

Did Jobs Know?

Mashable: “When did Steve Jobs first know that the iPhone 4 might have issues with its now infamous antenna design? According to a report out this morning, in the “early design phase” – an accusation that’s likely to add to the growing criticism currently surrounding the device.”

I’m a fanboi, I admit it, but, from everything I’ve ever heard about Steve Jobs it would be hard to imagine he’d allow something like this slip by him, if he knew about it. He’s involved down to the pixel on a lot of decisions.

I’m not sure he knew.

Oh, and if you want to get rid of your iPhone 4, I’ll take it off your hands. Send me a note: and I’ll give you a couple of bucks for your “horrible” piece of hardware, and you can go purchase a KIN.

By Rob Fahrni

Husband / Father / Developer