Had to stop and refuel again. Me and the truck.
Author: Rob Fahrni
Husband / Father / Developer
Did Gruber Slip?
On the latest episode of The Talk Show John Gruber very clearly says “the M1 MacBook Pro” a couple times.
Did he just let the cat out of the bag or just misspeak and meant the M1 MacBook Air?
Of course I want to know. 😀
UPDATE: John didn’t slip, I did. I forgot there is a 13in M1 MacBook Pro. Sorry for the mistake.
https://iam.fahrni.me/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/img_8096.movWelcome to Chilhowie
First stop of the day. I’m in the little town of Chilhowie, VA at a Taco Bell grabbing grub then I’ll juice up the truck and get back on the road.
Lots and lots of podcasts, books, and music queued up.
Not much to see from my vantage point I’m afraid.
Day One: Charlottesville to Memphis
I’m on my way to California for our nieces wedding and since I’m not a fan of flying, I’m driving.
I hope to share some pictures and words along the way so today I leave you with a picture of Kim’s gardenias 🌺 in our front yard and Grit Coffee. ☕️
I’ll share more tonight from Memphis.
Burn it all down
The Atlantic: “We know this is a lie, because the people who fought in the Civil War told us so. “Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery—the greatest material interest of the world,” Mississippi lawmakers declared during their 1861 secession convention. Slavery was “the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution,” the Confederate vice president, Alexander Stephens, said, adding that the Confederacy was founded on “the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man.”
It’s disturbing to read those words. It was also the premise of the Civil War. I often think Lincoln was too kind after the war. Then again what would’ve happened if all of the Confederate leadership had been put to death? Smarter men than I made those decisions. It is history.
I wish laws had been established to outlaw the use of Confederate symbols. It’s not a heritage to be proud of. It was a movement to overthrow the government of the United States of America. Treason. Punishable by death.
Today all Confederate statues and symbols should be burned to the ground and treated as symbols of hate. The Confederacy is the closest thing Americans have to that of Nazi Germany.
We cannot allow this to happen again no matter how much some of our modern day leaders want for it.
Sure, it’s a heritage. A heritage of hate. Burn it all down. Teach the truth of it. Stamp out the lies.
Feeling Good Today
I felt really great today. Physically great. Not that I didn’t feel mentally great as well but today was a really great day physically.
As we age those things we did to our bodies when we were young start to catch up with us. I had no regard for my body when I was younger. Heck, given what my brothers and I got into day to day I’m surprised we’re all still alive. Couple that with a love of sports and poor genetics and you’re on your way to aches and pains later in life.
I’m not a small guy. Let’s just say it out loud. I’m fat. Have been for a while now and I didn’t realize how bad it made me feel. It takes time to become a fatty mcfatser and you just don’t notice the change. I got up to 295 pounds, I’d put money on me being as heavy as 300 pounds but I never saw that number on a scale. My wife has been trying to convince me to lose weight for years and I knew I’d do it eventually but I had to make that choice on my own.
In December of 2020 I saw an orthopedic surgeon who looked at my knees, because the darned things hurt, and he told me I had the knees of a 70 year old man. 70? I’m nowhere near 70. What are these darned things gonna feel like when I am 70? That thought really struck home. My knees hurt all day, every day. It’s become part of life.
A short time after the holidays I’d had enough. I finally decided it was time to get the darned weight off. As of today I weigh 263 pounds. I cannot believe how much better I feel. I have an incredible amount of energy and I don’t tire nearly as fast as I used to when doing yard work or just going up the stairs in our home. I was resigned to feeling horrible the rest of my life. I just figured it was an age thing. No, it was a weight thing.
If folks ask how I’m doing it, it’s simple, you work really hard at it! I’ve changed the food I consume and how much I consume. IT IS NOT EASY. It’s darned hard to do. I love eating crummy food and lots of it. Cake? Sure sign me up for a couple pieces with ice cream. Pie? Oh heck yeah! I love me some pie. Ben and Jerry’s Chubby Hubby? Yessir! I’ll eat the entire pint in one sitting. Anyone else love Reece’s peanut butter cups? ME TOO! Not just the pack with two in them. Pffft. That’s for losers! I’ll get the four pack and one of those chunky ones with the pieces embedded in it (they’re delicious by the way.) The point is, I’m a junk food junkie. It’s an addiction like anything else.
Will I keep this weight off for the remainder of my life? I certainly hope so. I feel so great right now I don’t want to go back to where I was. I have a long way to go. My initial goal is 220 pounds. When I get there I’m going to reevaluate things and may go down to 200 pounds. I don’t think I’ve weighed 220 since our first daughter was born 32+ years ago. That’s crazy.
That leads me to where I am right this minute. Last Monday I got another round of cortisone shots in my knees. Today my knees feel great. Sure, it’s temporary, I know that. But when you put my weight loss together with the shots? Wow, I feel amazing.
I had to spit this out. It’s for me, I needed to write it down. I needed a place to remember.
Snell on Apple Podcasts
Six Colors: “Leaving big, bad Spotify aside, consider Overcast or Castro or Pocket Casts. These independent apps are likewise prevented by Apple’s policies from doing what Apple is doing. Even if they could figure out a way to implement Apple’s per-podcast subscription approach, they would have to hand Apple its cut, which is basically the same cut that Apple’s taking from Apple Podcasts Subscriptions.“
You knew it was only a matter of time before Apple created its own Podcast service. They’ve had the plumbing for years by serving the largest podcast directory in world. It’s still there and it’s still free, for now.
If I were a podcaster I’d worry about that benevolence continuing forever. Talk about an easy to Sherlock industry. With Apple holding the keys to the directory, a new paid service, and the most popular podcast player it would leave me going hmmmmmm, if I had a podcast or a podcast network.
For those, like Snell, who have invested years of blood, sweat, and tears to build their own networks I have to imagine they’ll have some restless nights trying to decide if they should just go with the flow and move their catalogs to Apple Podcasts 100%, keep their podcasts on their own network, or do a 50/50 split between their network and Apple’s.
An observation. At one point the podcasts I listened to were all ad supported. I have to believe advertisers, for some reason, decided the money they were paying for podcast advertising wasn’t paying off. Most of the tech podcasts I listen to began offering memberships. Those memberships may include special stuff for subscribers, as Snell points out.
That to me was a signal of a change in the podcast market. Advertising dollars were drying up or, at the very least, not as lucrative, so business models changed.
Enter Spotify and now Apple. We expect Facebook to announce their own podcast network. Being an indie is going to become as difficult as being an indie app developer or blogger who makes a living from their website. I fear we’ll see a lot of podcasts we love disappear as soon as they no longer make a living for their hosts.
In the end it would be really nice for Apple to offer a way for podcasts to use their own payment systems for subscribers. I’ve thought about this for indie app developers too. Having a way to provide Apple approved payment providers would be amazing. This would give players like Stripe or PayPal the ability to qualify as a payment provider for Apple Podcasts and the App Store. That alone would open the App Store and Podcast ecosystems to a new world of possibilities, not to mention possibly putting more money into the pockets of developers and podcasters.
On the client side Apple could provide a payment kit, possibly StoreKit, that allows for multiple payment providers to be selected by app developers for in app purchases. That framework would also provide third party podcast apps with a way to subscribe, download, and play podcasts from Apple Podcasts. Even if it means podcast players need to do work to support this system at least they’d be given the choice to support the framework or not. More choice is better, right?
As for the definition of a Podcast. I don’t think Apple or Spotify’s service meet the definition of a Podcast. To many of us a Podcast is an MP3 file delivered to a client via inclusion in an RSS feed. It’s not simply spoken word delivered by a proprietary service. It’s specifically connected to the open RSS format. That may seem a bit pedantic but that’s how we feel about it. To layer a service on top of that is fine. But to call it a podcast seems disingenuous.
Bitwise Workforce Training
By now I’ve been a Professional Software Developer for well over 30 years. But like everyone in this industry I always have something new to learn. Things change rapidly.
I recently took a Beginning HTML class through Bitwise Workforce Training. Yes, I took a beginning HTML class. I could poke around HTML and CSS enough to make a mess but I never really understood how to properly build a page. I don’t plan on becoming a full time web developer but having the ability to create a great page for one of my iOS Apps is really important. How else will folks learn about my work?
Our class was a wonderful mix of folks from all walks of life and I absolutely loved it for that. There were things I knew about computers I could pass on to others and others already knew a bit about CSS and HTML so they passed on tips to me. Everyone was smart and ready to learn.
That’s important. Come ready to learn. The class is structured to be a practical guide to building a website with a few pages and our instructors made it clear we were only scratching the surface of HTML and CSS and the real learning would come when we were out on our own. Practical. Like the real world you learn the basics and figure out the rest through exploration. This is perfectly suited for me. I learn best by doing.
The class paid off for me after the first two sessions. I am the developer of an iOS feed reader called Stream. I was in the middle of an update to replace my Article viewing code with 100% HTML. The HTML I needed to create was quite simple but to someone without proper grounding in HTML and CSS I was struggling. After my first two classes I had enough knowledge, after asking a few follow-up questions, to build the HTML I needed to ship the update to my app.
If you’re interested in learning in a structured – yet practical – way consider taking a Workforce Training class.
I’d also like to give a shout-out to a couple folks. Gabby Moreno, our intrepid instructor, and Jen Lewis, her assistant. Between the two of them they managed to help everyone. They’re very kind, smart, and most off all, patient.
Software Craftsman
Better Programming (Nick Hodges): “There’s no shame in being a craftsman — quite the opposite. We all admire the capabilities of, say, a carpenter that uses their practiced skills to build beautiful furniture or cabinets. I certainly admired my friend who hung that church door with such mastery, creating great beauty with amazing expertise.“
I love the idea of being a craftsman. When I was a young lad I was into woodworking. At one point I wanted to make it my career until some adult talked me out of it.
I wish I hadn’t listened. I was never a good student. I didn’t finish college. I got into computering instead. I shall adopt a new title.
Rob Fahrni – Software Craftsman
I like working in the yard. It’s good exercise, fun when you see the finished work, and gives me time to listen to podcasts.
Here’s the old man process for working in the yard.
Step one: Apply liberal amounts of old man gel to knees.
Step two: Slide on knee sleeves. These provide warmth, stability, and the pressure helps with swelling.
Step three: Pre medicate. You know you’re gonna have pain and swelling. Get ahead of it.
Step four: Remember to grab your headphones!