Good evening! I know, I know, I didn’t post the answer on Friday, but it couldn’t be helped. Life sometimes throws you a curve ball.
We have a winner, none other than Jerry Fahrni, my brother. Congratulations Brosky.
The correct answer was…
Good evening! I know, I know, I didn’t post the answer on Friday, but it couldn’t be helped. Life sometimes throws you a curve ball.
We have a winner, none other than Jerry Fahrni, my brother. Congratulations Brosky.
The correct answer was…
Good morning folks.
We have a winner. Congratulations to Mr. Bill Lazar!
The correct answer was…
And remember, “It’s so fluffy, I’m gonna die!”
Good morning! We have a winner!
Congratulations to Mr. Steven Vore, who correctly guessed…
This is another Thanksgiving time must see for me.
Good morning!
Our winner is Cindy Veneris, congratulations Cindy!
The correct answer was…
It’s a November “Must See” movie for me.
Good morning! We have a winner!
Longtime MLOTW Champion, Mr. Steven Vore, is our big winner, congratulations Steven!
See you next Thursday.
Good morning movie liners. We have a winner!
Congratulations to Cindy Veneris, a friend from LEVEL Studios.
The correct answer was…
Thanks for playing. See you next Thursday!
Good morning folks!
We had a couple of guesses, both said Pulp Fiction. Good guess, but not the correct one.
The correct answer was…
Thanks for the idea Bill, it stumped folks.
Good morning! Rise and shine sleepy heads!
Our big winner was long time player, Mr. Prasenjeet Dutta. Congratulations Prasenjeet!
The correct answer was…
Good morning movie liners! We have a winner!
Congratulations to Mr. Bill Lazar, who correctly guessed…
See you next week.
Good morning movie liners, we have a winner!
Congratulations to my brother, Mr. Jerry “Jay” Fahrni.
The correct answer was…
Jay, expect your brand new Ferrari 458 Spider in a few weeks. Yes, this was the week I decided to give a prize. Who knew?