Business Life

You want it? You got it.

SFGate: “They see the megafarms squeezing out the little guy on economies of scale, industrializing the crop the way big business has done to food and creating monocultures in a pot industry that now grows hundreds of varieties.”

The Marijuana debate in California rages on. The folks that want to legalize it are now up in arms because the big guys are going to jump in and crush them. Hey, welcome to American Capitalism. If you got busy building a business instead of smoking your product you’d have been ready for such an eventuality.

As you can tell, I’m a bit opinionated about the use of pot, but to each his own. I still say we should do one of two things, but of course it’s not as easy as this.

  1. Regulate it at the Federal level and dispense it via pharmacies.
  2. Legalize it and allow it to be sold through Government approved, and regulated, facilities.

If it’s to be treated as a medicine we have a dispensing mechanism that works, use it. If it’s to be completely legalized and treated like alcohol, we should monitor it, like we do alcohol, and tax it.

I’m not an expert on the matter, take what you want away from this. It’s my opinion of the situation, but don’t cry when your “dreams come true” and you realize it’s not what you expected.


The great California Marijuana problem

Fresno Bee: “FRESNO, Calif. — The operator of Fresno marijuana dispensary is pledging to continue selling marijuana even after a being found guilty of violating a court order banning him from selling the drug.” – Personally I don’t use drugs, and yes, I include Marijuana as a drug. We have a strange system here in California that allows it to be sold for medicinal purposes, but some are obviously questioning that. I’m of two minds on this subject, here are two options to “fix” the problem.

Better control

Why are pot businesses allowed to exist? In California I can’t even buy pseudoephedrine over the counter, that’s right, it’s controlled because it’s used by knuckleheads to create meth. Why is it Medical Marijuana isn’t controlled like any other prescription drug? Look. If I go out and break an arm and the doctor decides to prescribe some sort of pain medication I have to have that prescription fill by a pharmacist, someone that’s spent many years learning about the effects, and interactions, of drugs on the mind and body. Why is it medical marijuana isn’t sold by pharmacies? If it’s such an important drug in the treatment of certain medical conditions why isn’t it better controlled? It should be, just like all other mind altering medications. That’s one way to solve the issue. Shut down the private pot distribution facilities and distribute through qualified pharmacies.

Just legalize it

I want my Cheesy Poofs!I’d imagine the first, and best option, isn’t all that popular with a certain crowd. Lets face it, most of the folks visiting the medical marijuana shops probably don’t need it for legitimate purposes. I’d bet there just addicted and like to get high. The second option is for them. Let’s just legalize it and sell it through Government controlled distribution facilities. In California we have liquor stores, but in states like Washington you have to purchase liquor through a state run facility. Why not create a state run pot store, or how about the dope store, yeah, I like that name. So if you wanted to get high you’d go to “The California Dope Store” and purchase your legal pack of marijuana cigarettes. They could tax the crap outta these things because it’s addictive and the folks that use them are desperate enough to pay for their high. Lets say a pack has five cigarettes in it and it’s, I dunno, $40.00? How much would it cost the State of California to grow and distribute this stuff versus what they could make selling it? This could be a great way to get the state out of trouble in the short term, because in the long term we’d be in trouble because all the doped up folks would quit working and spend all their food stamp money on Cheesy Poofs and more weed, but I digress. I’m not sure if the state is actually considering legislation to make the stuff legal, but it might be worth a try if it’s tightly controlled via state run farms and distribution centers. Food for thought.