
Random Links

Watch out! It's a blog fly!Lamebook – Funny stuff on Facebook.

Parents Shouldn’t Text – The title says it all.

PayPal, idiots – Heartbreaking article about a stupid PayPal policy.

Eubonicode++ – Funny programming language, by Tom Distler.

Motivational Poster: Programming – Another Tom Distler creation.


Company Names

Before naming Apple Core Labs I struggled to come up with a name. Kim and I tossed around a bunch of different names, I wish I still had the list.

I’ve actually thought about renaming Apple Core Labs. Why? Well, a friend asked a couple years back if Apple had a problem with the company name when I submitted RxCalc. No, they didn’t say a word. After all Apple Core Labs is a zero in the world of business.

Anywho, I’ve been kicking around names, and thought about sharing them here, but that’s for another day.