fun Movies

About Dwarves

...and my axe.Time: “But TIME is the first to bring you this image of two characters from the film, dwarves named Balin and Dwalin.”

My brother should enjoy reading this. He was a Dwarf in a former life and carried a huge battle axe.


More 48fps Hobbit Talk

Peter Jackson: “However, we’re going the other way, shooting at 48 fps with a 270 degree shutter angle. This gives the 48 fps a lovely silky look, and creates a very pleasing look at 24 fps as well. In fact, our DP, Andrew Lesnie, and I prefer the look of 24 fps when it comes from a 48 fps master. “

This film will be best viewed at 48 frames per second, in 2D. I hope, beyond hope, he does a “standard” 2D version of the film.


THE HOBBIT at 48fps? It’s true.

Peter Jackson: “It looks much more lifelike, and it is much easier to watch, especially in 3-D. We’ve been watching HOBBIT tests and dailies at 48 fps now for several months, and we often sit through two hours worth of footage without getting any eye strain from the 3-D. It looks great, and we’ve actually become used to it now, to the point that other film experiences look a little primitive. I saw a new movie in the cinema on Sunday and I kept getting distracted by the juddery panning and blurring. We’re getting spoilt!”

I’ve been looking forward to The Hobbit and I hope Mr. Jackson can recapture all the magic of The Lord of the Rings, but I see something very troubling in his post. Can you spot it? Yep, it says 3D. Sigh. When will the ugly trend stop?


Peter Jackson is back!

Fandango Movie Blog: “We’ve known this was coming for awhile now, but according to The New York Times it’s just become official: Peter Jackson will return to Middle Earth to direct The Hobbit. Honestly, it’s a move that makes the most sense. Let him finish what he started. Jackson’s deal is now finalized, as is the deal for Warner Bros., New Line and MGM to all help finance the two-part film, which some have suggested could cost upwards of $500 million for both.”

Make it happen Peter!