Apple iPhone

AT&T and Android

Mashable / Mobile: “AT&T is bulking up its Android roster with a new phone: the HTC Aria. It promises to be faster and more capable than the Motorola BACKFLIP and the Dell Aero.”

It would seem that Apple is definitely getting the short end of the stick here. AT&T has exclusive rights on iPhone, but they’re still doing deals with other phone makers. It’s no skin off my nose, but it sure seems like it’s a bad deal for Apple, right?

As an aside. HTC is really pounding out some great phones, and I love their UI/UX enhancements to the Android OS. Really great stuff.

By Rob Fahrni

Husband / Father / Developer

2 replies on “AT&T and Android”

It’s all about GSM. For Apple to go on Verizon, they would have to:

— issue a CDMA based phone, which would then be a brick overseas
— issue a CDMA based phone that has fewer features – you can’t do voice and data at the same time on CDMA

The former might be acceptable; the latter is a deal breaker IMHO.

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