
Just Code

Becky Hansmeyer: “For instance, I can take just about any Objective-C code and do a word-by-word translation to Swift that will compile and run, but it won’t be very “Swifty.””

The notion of being Swifty kind of bugs me. If you work in a language long enough you’ll naturally gravitate to language conventions or you won’t. If you’re an Indie, like Becky, I don’t think it really matters how Swifty your code really is. What matters is you’re willing to learn and adapt with the times and you can ship. If you don’t ship you don’t get paid.

I’m probably not very Swifty either, but I don’t really care. I can write code in Swift and it works just fine. During code review with my peers they’ll let me know of a more Swifty way of doing things so I can either make a change or get it the next time. I’m willing to do the new thing and I think that’s what we need to be willing to do if we’re going to survive as developers.

Be ready for change and adapt. That doesn’t mean you have to do it all on day one. Just be willing to make the change.

By Rob Fahrni

Husband / Father / Developer