

Gizmodo : “Those nauseating RIAA hypocrites were caught illegally downloading $9 million on TV shows. Now they are giving the same pathetic excuse given to them by the people they accused of pirating songs: “someone was using our IP address.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

Maybe they RIAA should change their name to ARRR?


Killing the Web; Netflix

Wired: “During peak hours — after dinner time until around midnight — Netflix already accounts for somewhere between 20 and 30 percent of all US Internet traffic. So what will happen to the Internet if the 14 million Netflix subscribers who send and receive DVDs via the mail suddenly start streaming everything they watch?”

What happens indeed. Be ready for prices to skyrocket.

Business Mobile

Mobile, definitely a passing fad

VentureBeat: “Starbucks has now processed more than 26 million mobile payments since January, Adam Brotman, vice president and general manager of digital ventures at Starbucks, told VentureBeat.”

In a word, WOW! Do you think Peet’s and other big names will soon follow suit?

Peet’s, I’m here to help. (I know, shameless, but a guys gotta try, right?)


Patents Suck

Luma Labs: “Therefore, we’re acting unilaterally and conceding the market by immediately discontinuing the Loop and LoopIt. Full stop. We apologize for the sudden nature of this decision and our implementation of it, but we feel like our options on this matter are limited.”

I don’t have much to say about this. The little guy just doesn’t stand a chance anymore.

Horrible. What a loss.



Wired: “Fadell explained his concept: Untold tons of carbon were being pumped into the air, with people losing billions of dollars in energy costs, all because there was no easy, automatic way to control the temperature. But what if you could apply all the skills and brilliance of Silicon Valley to produce a thermostat that was smart, thrifty and so delightful that saving energy was as much fun as shuffling an iTunes playlist?”

Nifty idea. I hope they succeed.

Business Development

One Developers Journey

Johnny AppleseedKevin Hoctor: “The irony is that I’m the one always preaching to others that they need to be passionate about what they do. Don’t settle for a paycheck. Don’t work at a place that makes you want to rush home and down a bottle of vodka to balance out the day. Yet, here I am doing exactly what I’ve told my kids not to do.”

Kevin made the transition from frustrated Windows developer to Indie Mac developer and is still going strong. About six months after the above post Kevin shipped Debt Quencher 1.0. I don’t think he’s looked back.

That is an inspiration.

Business Life

History – Oddworld Inhabitants

Oddworld: “A spiritual successor was started to make use of the excellent game engine Oddworld Inhabitants had constructed. The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot made Stranger look tame, with the eponymous character’s native land invaded by Mafia-esque felines and converted into hardcore catnip factories. Fangus himself started out enslaved as a pitfighter and infected with rabies before he escaped and found the chance to take back his country with his shepherding skills. Unfortunately its development was arrested when publishing problems drove Lorne and Sherry to admit that the current gaming climate was not one they wanted to be a part of, and Oddworld Inhabitants closed its studio down.”

I used to walk by this place when we’d visit San Luis Obispo and dream of working there. At one point I applied for a position with them. I never heard back. Shortly after that, they closed their doors.

They’re back now, but I have no clue where they’re located. I want to say they’re in the UK, but I’m not sure.

I wish them many, many, successful years.


What’s up with that?

Soooooo, why are banks not allowing people to withdraw their money? Can they do that? It doesn’t seem right, does it?

Sorry, you can't have your money.

Sorry, you can't have your money.

The peasants are the gate, and they’re not happy.

Business Cloud

New Facebook? Sounds like a Weblog.

ArrrrrrBrian Solis: “Timeline is a new kind of profile, one that lets people tell their story in a visually-rich and artistic fashion. In addition to aesthetics, Timeline is essentially a social home page for all that moves you, from media to experiences to people. The biggest difference you’ll notice is presentation. Starting with the substantial image that you choose to depict your persona, the new format essentially turns your profile into a Flipboard-esque (magazine) pictorial rich with updates, content, and connections…all designed to tell your story, your way. Don’t be confused by the name however, Timeline is much more than that, it’s essentially a storyboard for your digital and real life as told by what you share and what others share with you.”

“Timeline is the story of your life,” said Mark Zuckerberg “All your stories, all your apps, express who you are.”

It sounds just like a weblog, imagine that? I don’t need a siloed service to provide that. I already have it, I have a weblog.

If you care about your content, you should publish it yourself, you don’t need Facebook as much as they’d like you to think that. Use Facebook as a connector, drive traffic back to your weblog and your content. It is your content, right?

Business Development

Dave Winer, at it again.

Dave Winer: “Anyway, this is a heads-up that I will be publishing the spec as a draft in the next few days. But first I want to establish the motivation (that’s the purpose of this piece), then explain the philosophy about standards (this is in no way intended to be one) and what prior art influenced me. If other people find this useful, I hope there will be implementations in other languages. And there will need to be ancillary services.”

Dave, thanks for doing this. Thanks for your continued efforts to build the open web.