Life Weblogging

Infected WordPress Installation

Zombie GirlWell, it looks like this site has managed to become infected with the “WordPress Pharma Hack” and I can’t seem to get rid of it.

If I can’t get rid of it soon I will abandon WordPress all together. I wish I could figure out why this has happened, but I just cannot see why.

I’ve followed this Pearsonified article on how to remove it, but I couldn’t find anything on my site that matches his recommendations. In the meantime I’ve removed every template and plugin I don’t need. I’m now using the default template, no other templates installed, and I’m down to a small set of plugins. I’m going to disable a bunch and see if that makes any difference.


Hate in America

Hate is alive and well in the United States of America, just as it was in 2008.

It’s horrible enough she said it, but look at the favorites count. Really very sad.

Welcome to 1950.

Family Life

Amen, Brother

Jerry Fahrni: “All I have to say is football season is here. Finally! Finally I can listen to sports talk radio again. Finally I can watch grown men try to kill each other on the football field. Finally I get to see Ray Lewis blow up some poor schmuck. Finally I can vent my anger at something besides people. Finally Major League Baseball will slide into obscurity again until next year. Finally football season is here. Holy crap it feels like years since I watched an NFL game.”

What he said.

fun Life

Instagram to Canvas

CanvasPop: “With CanvasPop, it’s easy to create your personal gallery of photos to canvas, directly from your Instagram account”

Nifty service. I have one Instagram photo I’d like to put on canvas. Now I can.


Tour de Farm

Sincerely The Teacher: “A 70km easy ride through vineyards was made even better when we were lucky enough to find a bike path that runs near the road, away from the cars, and was shaded and less hilly. We need more bike paths like these in the states!”

Yes, we need more bike/walking paths in the States. Pretty nifty bike trip. I’d love to do something like this, but here, at home, in the United States of America.

Wonder if I could convince my brother to do something like this? What say you, brother Jay?

You can follow The Tour de Farm on Twitter, @TheTourdeFarm.


DIY: Vintage Whiskey Bar TV

Travis Sheridan: “I eventually found a 1950’s Sears brand TV on the Facebook Marketplace for $10. Holy CRAP! After a quick thirty-minute drive, I picked up the perfect shell for the project.”

Life Sports


The Nation: “They loved their team but refused to pay for a new taxpayer funded $300 million arena. Seattle’s citizens voted down referendums, organized meetings and held rallies with the goal of keeping the team housed in a perfectly good building called the KeyArena

I wrote about how frustrating the Sonics becoming the Okies was back in 2007. Very frustrating. Thing is, I can’t stand Lebron James.

I wish Boston could’ve pulled a rabbit out of the hat. It wasn’t meant to be.


Cell Phone use in Theaters?

CriticWire: “At CinemaCon in Las Vegas this week, several movie exhibitors exhibited a willingness to relax their restrictions on cell phone use in their theaters. The kids today, you see, with their iPhones and iPads and IDon’tCareIfIRuinTheMovieForYous, want to be allowed to text and tweet and talk everywhere. Exhibitors worried about the loss of their core audience, are considering caving to their demands.”

Allowing phone calls and text messaging during a movie would be a really bad idea.


Stephen King on Taxes

Pennywise the ClownThe Daily Beast: “What charitable 1 percenters can’t do is assume responsibility—America’s national responsibilities: the care of its sick and its poor, the education of its young, the repair of its failing infrastructure, the repayment of its staggering war debts. Charity from the rich can’t fix global warming or lower the price of gasoline by one single red penny. That kind of salvation does not come from Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Ballmer saying, “OK, I’ll write a $2 million bonus check to the IRS.” That annoying responsibility stuff comes from three words that are anathema to the Tea Partiers: United American citizenry.”

I think I need to move to Bangor and work with this guy.

Life Visio

Saving Prince of Persia

Wired: “The geek squad’s goal is not simply to find out if Mechner’s old disks work. Today is about getting that old code out of its magnetic tomb and getting it onto the internet. That’s why they need Diaz’s Gordian knot of boxes and cables and not just any old Apple II — because Diaz has wired his computers into a network via Ethernet cable. Underneath, he plugs in a modern Dell laptop to serve as the receptacle for whatever treasures the crew manages to unearth.”

What a great story. A few years back I did something similar for some old floppies I’d been carrying around for years. They’ve been archived to DVD, but who knows how long that’ll last.

Once piece of code I grabbed off the floppies was my first Windows application, Tic-Tac-Toe. I’ve placed that code out of GitHub.

Maybe one of these days I’ll get around to posting more code out there. I have a whole bunch just collecting dust.

At one point I had a single 3.5″ floppily with all the source code to pre-Visio 1.0. I really wish I could find that. The UI, at the time, was so different than what was shipped. We had one tool, the pencil tool, and the toolbar icons were more rectangular. Not that I’d publish the source. I’d like to publish some screenshots.