
Cat Scratch Fever

The Christian Science Monitor: “He don’t speak good. Nugent’s words aren’t rhetoric, in the sense of being an attempt to convey coherent thought. It’s better to think of them as derogatory words strung together at random. Given that, where’s the threat?”

This is something extreme people do. They try to intimidate via rhetoric, or stick their foot in their mouth trying to make point. President Obama should invite Mr. Nugent to the White House for a beer and have a nice talk. The Oval Office would be the perfect spot.

Design Indie Life

Illustrator Joey Ellis on Dribbble

Dribbble Blog: “My tools are my red and black Polychromos pencils, Illustrator, Photoshop—all the usual suspects. My studio is in a room above the garage. It’s not cool or glamourous and is filled with crap. It’s kinda like an episode of Hoarders, but there aren’t any dead animals in here yet. I have my iMac and an old Wacom along with a few iPads for iOS stuff. I have tons of toys and half-filled coffee cups strewn about.”

I love reading stuff like this. It’s interesting to see the process others use and how they structure their work environments.

One of these days, when I grow up, I want an actual desk with a big display, or two. Some day. Until then, it’s the couch.


The Internet Generation

Fred Wilson: “Their generation grew up with a computer on their lap and now in their pocket. They were on Facebook before they were supposed to be. Their first phone was a smartphone. They prefer to watch a movie on their laptop lying on their bed than in the movie theater. And as a young woman said at Princeton last week, they want “life, liberty, and blazing broadband”.”

I don’t want to think how horrible the Internet will be if SOPA or PIPA are passed. Something organic, self sustaining? No, we can’t have that. It has to be controlled.

I don’t want complete anarchy, that’s not my point. The Internet is fine the way it stands today. The problem is always people. A few bad eggs ruin it for the rest of us, so the rest of us are punished for their bad behavior.

In the end the powers that be are afraid of us, afraid of change, and they can’t keep up. The world isn’t going to slow down. We’re not going back to VHS as a standard for video distribution, or cassette for music. It’s just not going to happen.

As Neo so eloquently put it.

“I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid… you’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin. I’m going to hang up this phone, and then I’m going to show these people what you don’t want them to see. I’m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.”

Life Weblogging

I’m doing it wrong

A wonderful boquet of flowers.John Moltz: “Anyway, here we are. Don’t worry, though, it’s cool. I’ll tell you my secret: send your wife back to work. That’s what I’m doing. If you don’t have someone you can send back to work or they’re already working and you still can’t quit your job, then I don’t have any advice for you.”

There’s the key to going indie! Send your wife back to work!

Why didn’t I think of that?



The Atlantic: “Dozens of spectators pressed against the glass of the high-roller pit. Inside, playing at a green-felt table opposite a black-vested dealer, a burly middle-aged man in a red cap and black Oregon State hoodie was wagering $100,000 a hand. Word spreads when the betting is that big. Johnson was on an amazing streak. The towers of chips stacked in front of him formed a colorful miniature skyline. His winning run had been picked up by the casino’s watchful overhead cameras and drawn the close scrutiny of the pit bosses. In just one hand, he remembers, he won $800,000. In a three-hand sequence, he took $1.2 million.”




Jerry Fahrni: “Sometimes the simple things really are best. Pen and paper are currently my best tools for recording ideas. And honestly, until a tablet computer from any company can equal their ease and flexibility they will remain my tool of choice.”

Pencil, or pen, and paper. Simple.


Why _why?

RibbitSlate: “On Aug. 19, 2009, his personal site stopped loading. He stopped answering email. A public repository of his code disappeared. His Twitter account—gone. Hackety Hack—gone. Dozens of other projects—gone.”

I know I’ve written about this before, I’m just fascinated with it for some reason. _why and Mark Pilgrim, both removed their digital presence.

Hopefully they’re both relaxing on a beach, or in the mountains somewhere, carving handcrafted wood clogs, or some such. Heaven knows I feel like doing that at times.


Drink Responsibly

Good morning folks. Have a great St. Patrick’s Day!

Remember, drink responsibly.

Guinness Core


Facebook Redesign

Inside Facebook: “The redesign, the largest for pages since February 2011, creates a more unified look and feel for the site after profiles and groups were updated earlier this year. Page owners will have a 30-day window to redesign their pages and publish when they are ready. On March 31, all pages will automatically switch to the new format.”

Who had the timeline first, Path or Facebook?

I say hats off, regardless of who was first. The new look is brilliant and is something I’d love to have, just not on Facebook.

I wonder if anyone has created a weblog template for WordPress, or any other popular weblogging platform, that gives you this look? It makes complete sense. Everything rolled up into one site.

The center of my universe starts with That’s where I need this look. Not on a marketing site.

I really need to learn how to roll web pages. You use tables for layout, right?



“The numbers all go to eleven. Look, right across the board, eleven, eleven, eleven and…” – Nigel Tufnel, 1984

And so goes the story. This site isn’t yet eleven, but I’ve been weblogging for just over eleven years (post #1). Strange how I forgot to mention that at the beginning of the month. Eleven short years.

I started my weblog in hopes I’d become a better writer. I just don’t have that gene. Maybe someday I’ll write something worth reading. Until then, you’re stuck with movie lines and random, poorly structured posts, with lots of commas.