
What would it take?

I was just reading an old DaveNet post Dave Winer shared on Twitter, and it got me thinking. How much money would it take for me to feel comfortable for the rest of my life? I think that number, even living in California, would fall at about two million dollars.

What would I do?

Apple Core LabsI wouldn’t sit around, that’s for sure! I’d give myself one year to make my dream of running Apple Core Labs full time come true. I’ve been working on a new Mac application and it’s very slow going, I have no idea how long it’s going to take me to finish because I do it two and three hours at a time. I’d probably go out and buy a really nice dev setup, a fully loaded 15-in Macbook Pro, with a nice large Cinema Display. That’s a pretty extravagant setup. I typically wouldn’t spend that much cash on something, so that would be my splurge. From that point on it would be about delivering my new Mac application and making it work. After a year, if it wasn’t in the store, I’d hang the dream up and go back to work for someone else, even with a bunch of cash in the bank.

That’s what I’d do. What would you do?

UPDATE [4:30PM]: I’d actually make a run at creating a product if I could replace my salary and health care costs for a year, year and a half. Should be plenty of time to see if I could make it work.


Barn to Office

Cory Watilo: “A couple months ago, I finished building my home office in the shell of a barn. It started as a old horse barn with a dirt floor and no ceiling and over the course of a few months, turned into my new creative space (with a small recording studio) where I now spend most of my time. Here are some shots of the final product.”

What a great space.


Great Quote

I just had to record this quote from the Harvard Gazette.

“If you’re going to worry about what people say, you’re never going to make any progress,”



Move On: “Security locked Citibank customers inside as they arrested 23 #OccupyWallStreet protesters for attempting to close their bank accounts during a mass public action this afternoon. Watch the live stream as protesters march on Times Square at 3:00pm on Saturday.”

This simply cannot be the whole story. There is nothing illegal about withdrawing your funds from a bank.

The worst possible thing these folks could’ve done is made a scene while withdrawing their funds. Carrying a sign announcing your intentions is fine, but making a huge scene is unnecessary, and it’s not what the OWS movement needs.

If, on the other hand, the protesters were respectful, quiet, and peaceful, being held against your will is a crime.


Have a Boorito

Chipotle: “This Halloween, we’re celebrating family farms and their dedication to the land they live on and the delicious food they produce. To join in on the party, come into any Chipotle on Halloween from 6 pm to closing dressed in a costume inspired by the family farm and we’ll hook you up with a burrito, bowl, salad, or an order of tacos made with responsibly raised ingredients for just $2.”

Hey, who doesn’t love a nice barbacoa burrito, and you support local farmers while you’re at it. It’s a win-win!



Boston Gets Ugly

Occupy Boston: “At 1:30 this morning hundreds of police in full riot gear brutally attacked Occupy Boston, which had peacefully gathered on the Rose Kennedy Greenway. The Boston Police Department made no distinction between protesters, medics, or legal observers, arresting legal observer Ursula Levelt, who serves on the steering committee for the National Lawyers Guild, as well as four medics attempting to care for the injured.”


Goodbye Steve

Apple: “Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being.”

Rest in peace.


The New World

The EyeSeth Godin: “Job creation is a false idol. The future is about gigs and assets and art and an ever-shifting series of partnerships and projects. It will change the fabric of our society along the way. No one is demanding that we like the change, but the sooner we see it and set out to become an irreplaceable linchpin, the faster the pain will fade, as we get down to the work that needs to be (and now can be) done.”

This makes me go hmmmmmm. A lot of what I’ve been feeling for the last three years revolves around this very idea. I’ve been too afraid to pull the trigger. Maybe some day I’ll be forced into doing it?

Family Life

No Gadget Holidays

Gadgets and gizmos are fun, I have to admit that. I’m hopelessly addicted to my iPhone and Twitter, there’s no denying it. So why does that need explaining?

I like to visit

Our family has always tried to get together for the holidays, especially Christmas, and over the past few years we’ve hosted Thanksgiving. I love the holidays! It’s a time for family and friends to get together and make merry. A big part of what makes it so special is sitting around talking about random stuff. The stuff that goes on in our day to day lives, the stuff that makes life what it is.

With the introduction of smartphones and tablet devices it’s way too easy to “feel bored”, have that desire to check your tweet stream, post a quick picture to Facebook, or send a text to your friend. Not this year.

You Grinch!

I really hope our family doesn’t feel that way. I know our daughters may have an issue with it, tough. This is about family, no just about you or me, it’s about the collective Fahrni clan.

I can’t make people abide by this rule, I can only hope they will because we’re actually going to ask folks to agree to do this. Kim, my wife, will have a special basket set aside to collect devices as you enter our home, or you can leave it in the car. We really hope folks will agree to this so we can have some much needed, and desired, uninterrupted time to visit. Yes, we love you that much!

It’s all about the people in the room. The wider audience can wait a few hours while we enjoy the company of each other.

P.S. – Old school technology, like a standalone camera is encouraged. (no, not the one on your phone or tablet, but nice try!)


The Facebook Fool

The FoolNumair Faraz: “If you are entrusting your life data to Facebook, or if you are depending on Facebook and its platform for your livelihood, beware. In the real Facebook world, there is no trust, and there is no friendship — there is only money and power. Think really hard — really, think — before trusting Facebook or its employees with anything. Don’t be a Facebook fool.”

Walled gardens and all.