
Cut Quickly

Microsoft Cash Cow.Mini-Microsoft: “That’s why I hope that Cut Quickly happens. Without it, we’re back to our first layoff experience. If anything broke the back of this blog, it was the first big Microsoft layoff back in 2009. How? How could the realization of a step towards Mini-Microsoft do that? Because it was implemented so poorly, with constant worries and concerns and doubts about engaging in new ideas due to expectations those would be the easiest to trim during ongoing cut-backs. When was it over? When was the “all clear” signal given?”

Hey, welcome back, Mini! I used to love reading this weblog many years back. Can you believe it’s been around for 10 years? 10 years of begging Microsoft to focus and trim the fat. Anywho…

This is a pretty big deal. I have friends there and I hope they can stay, if that’s what they want to do. Now could be a great time for someone that wants to take some time off to smell the roses, or take a chance on a startup. Take the money and run, so to speak.

I wonder why they’re taking a year to implement this? It seems like a great way to absolutely kill a year of productivity in a business that changes day to day. Microsoft is just beginning to steer their large ship in a different direction, what if the target has moved by the time this RIF is complete? How do groups plan to ship product over the next year with the fog of a layoff hanging over their heads? Guess we’ll see.


Mini Microsoft; KIN, Ozzie, and Layoffs

Mini Microsoft: “Dude, Where’s My Job? Folks have been talking about ongoing stealth layoffs and the impending July FY11 layoffs reacting to teams with reduced budgets. I’ve scanned some various HR calendars and found some interesting appointments more around next week vs. this week, but the layoff rumors have spilled over beyond here and into TechFlash…”

Man, am I glad I’m no longer there. I hope the folks I know there make it through? Apparently the layoffs were supposed to start today?

Oh, my, according to a Daring Fireball source Microsoft only sold 503 KIN units before pulling the plug. That is disappointing beyond belief, if it’s true.


More on the new Pelco

Security Systems News: “Would Pelco be in the same place had Schneider never purchased it? Fages, who’s been with the company seven years, took some time to think. “Would it be the same? My answer would probably be, ‘no.’ I believe Schneider is probably better prepared to fight the downturn in the economy that we are facing today. I was in charge of Asia for the last four years. The previous ownership didn’t understand what it meant to manufacture in China. All of those changes we’ve made to get more international, Schneider has stronger experience with that. The previous ownership wouldn’t have been able to implement those changes quickly and to face the economic situation.” – This is the best article I’ve read on the changes at Pelco. It’s about becoming a stronger company, period. I like that, it’s truthful, and gets beyond all the bluster of “if the prior owners were here…” because the honest truth is this, if the prior owners had been in charge of Pelco in the face of the economic crisis I’m not certain the company would still be operating. The new Pelco answers to shareholders and that’s a good thing. We have a new direction, new leadership, and some very interesting work ahead of us. Becoming a stronger company, a more agile company, will help move us forward and allow us to build the products we need to build.

The new open Pelco is a better Pelco.