Goodbye, Virginia, you’ve been fun.
Tag: Road Trip
The New Office
What a morning. I got up at 5AM, got Kim and I some coffee, packed up, and headed for Avis to return our car. One would think that’s a easy process, but in true Fahrni fashion, it wasn’t straight forward. We made to Avis and I realized I forgot to fill it up. So back on the road to hunt down a gas station in an area I’m not familiar with. We found a gas station 10 minutes later, then found our way back to Avis. First goal achieved.
Next stop the L.A. Zoo
No, we didn’t go to the zoo. We were at LAX, but the place is a zoo. You’d think these places would move people through much faster, they don’t. We have a new, very paranoid, system. The TSA makes getting to your flight more difficult that it should be, but we survived. I’d hate to see the porno scan of my body. Poor reviewer.
Away we go
Kim and I like flying Virgin America. That’s why we grabbed a flight out of LAX. We’re on board, settled in, headed for Virginia. We’ll be in the air for just over four hours. Kim will most likely read the entire time, a physical book none the less. I’ll most likely burn through some podcasts I queued up before leaving.
Random observations
While boarding it’s apparent we are a gadget crazed society. Just about every row I passed had at lest one iPad in it and many iPhones. I saw a few Android tablets and one Windows 8.x laptop (using WordPerfect for Windows with Reveal Codes active, remember that? I didn’t know the app still existed.) The remainder of the devices were iOS or Mac.
Additional Randomness
I’m composing this from my trusty iPhone using the WordPress for iOS client. I plan on blogging during the entire trip from this device.
Vacation – Day One
I suppose today is the first official day of my vacation. Tomorrow Kim and I fly to D.C. for the weekend. We’ll stay with family, get a chance to visit with Kim’s sister and the family (we haven’t seen our niece and nephews in a few years.) On Monday, May 5, we pack up our oldest daughter, in Richmond, VA, and start a trek across the country, back to California.
Tonight we’re in L.A. just chillin’ south of LAX. Tomorrow is a travel day. I hope to update my weblog frequently, or at least as frequently as I can manage.
Here’s to cross country driving trips. It’s a “bucket list” item for me and I’m really looking forward to it. I have to believe it will be an unforgettable adventure. We get to see our daughter, family, then drive across this great country. It doesn’t get much better than that.
We’ll see how it goes.