
Great Design Tips

AHHHHHH!Mike Rundle: “The main light source comes from the top but that doesn’t mean you can’t introduce a secondary light source for emphasis. Below I’ve created a custom navigation bar for an iPhone application that uses a subtle radial highlight for added dimension and detail. The Blend Mode has been set to Overlay to brighten and saturate the overall color and the transparency has been knocked way down to keep it realistic. Also note the edge highlights to make it look more like a raised surface.”

My advice to any budding software developer, work with a great designer and UX person. It’ll make you look like a million bucks. I know from experience, having worked with a few GREAT DESIGNERS.

Mike is the author of Design then Code.

Business Development Indie

Chameleon – A UIKit for Mac?

The IconFactory Chameleon Project!
Chameleon: “If you’re an iOS developer, you’re already familiar with UIKit, the framework used to create apps for the iPhone, iPod and iPad. Chameleon is a drop in replacement for UIKit that runs on Mac OS X. In many cases, your iOS code doesn’t need to change at all in order to run on a Mac.”

BRAVO IconFactory!

My wife already said no to a $250.00 T-shirt. Darn.


This is where I live

City of San Luis Obispo, CA


Movie line of the week answer

Good morning movie liners!

It looks like we had a stumper, zero takers. The correct answer was.

The Quiet Man

See you next Thursday.

Life Weblogging

Weblog Happy Birthday!

Wow, I’ve been so busy I forgot to celebrate the birthday of this weblog. It’s still an infant! Just over a year ago I posted my farewell to Blogger and my weblog of nine years to start fresh.

So, happy first birthday to this weblog, and happy 10th anniversary to my weblogging life.

It’s hard to believe it’s been that long.


Movie line of the week

And.... ACTION!This one will be a challenge, it’s an oldie, good luck!

Well, then. Now. I’ll begin at the beginnin’. A fine soft day in the spring, it was, when the train pulled into Castletown, three hours late as usual, and himself got off. He didn’t have the look of an American tourist at all about him. Not a camera on him; what was worse, not even a fishin’ rod.

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Fully Baked Weblog Software

Sprinkle DonutBrent Simmons: “I think the new technique web developers — or weblog developers, at least — ought to learn is static rendering: writing files to disk rather than building from a database on every request.”

I’ll have to track the progress on this font. It’s what I wanted when I switched from Blogger to WordPress about a year ago. I wanted the ability to generate static files on disk. WordPress generates your weblog from database entries. Static is king!

It’s not like I’m ever going to get Fireballed, I haven’t had over 1000 visits in a day since the early days of weblogging, but it’s something that interests me.



CNN: “But while most hurry in the opposite direction, about 180 plant workers are staying put — despite the fact that doing so could result in serious illness or even death — to battle the meltdown threat.”

Praying for the best.


Steve Jobs Killed Music

PCWorld: “Bon Jovi doesn’t explain why the coming of digital music was the fault of the Apple CEO beyond the view that his company’s iTunes service has profited from it. As many commentators have pointed out, Apple didn’t invent digital music because Apple rarely invents anything, preferring instead to perfect breakthroughs made by others such as Napster.”