
Fulton Mall Fiasco

Huffington Post: “The site is being re-examined and this past October three options for remaking the mall (narrowed down from 10) were unveiled — two could significantly destroy the character of the mall by opening it up to cars with a traditional street or inserting two lanes of road and curbs weaving them through some of the outdoor “vignettes” while demolishing others. The third, complete restoration, is most likely not economically viable. The one really sensible solution — keeping four of the six streets closed to cars while opening many of the cross streets, a realistic compromise balancing design, historic preservation and economics — inexplicably seems to have been abandoned.”

I wonder if someone believes that tearing Fulton Mall apart will actually help downtown?

The city needs to work a whole lot harder to attract a large employer downtown. A modern, younger, company that will encourage other companies to relocate. Naive? Yep.


Congress doesn’t understand the Internet (#SOPA)

Motherboard: “You relish the opportunity to put on a half-cocked smile and ask to skip over the techno-jargon, conveniently masking your ignorance by making yourselves seem better aligned with the average American joe or jane — the “non-nerds” among us. But to anyone of moderate intelligence that tuned in to yesterday’s Congressional mark-up of SOPA, the legislation that seeks to fundamentally change how the internet works, you kind of just looked like a bunch of jack-asses.”

The Internet as we know it rests with a group of people that don’t understand it.


Well said

Roger Ebert: “I have also felt despair at the way financial instruments were created and manipulated to deliberately defraud the ordinary people in this country. At how home buyers were peddled mortgages they couldn’t afford, and civilian investors were sold worthless “securities” based on those bad mortgages. Wall Street felt no shame in backing paper that was intended o fail, and selling it to customers who trusted them. This is clear and documented. It is theft and fraud on a staggering scale.”

He forgot one thing. He forgot to mention nobody is in jail for this clear “theft and fraud on a staggering scale.”


Hard Times

“Look at these hands, Meg. They’re hard hands; they’ve done hard work. I want to work, to have bread for my children… It’s not right that there’s no work.”A Christmas Carol, 1984


Dear Mr. President

The handling of the Occupy Movement by local authorities has gotten out of hand. Police, not the protesters, are getting violent. There’s no excuse for that type of behavior. Do you want to see it turn violent? Is that the idea? It’s ridiculous, step up and address this problem, you did it for the people of Egypt.

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening, everybody. My administration has been closely monitoring the situation in Egypt, and I know that we will be learning more tomorrow when day breaks. As the situation continues to unfold, our first concern is preventing injury or loss of life. So I want to be very clear in calling upon the Egyptian authorities to refrain from any violence against peaceful protestors.
The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere.

Maybe you could do the same for America?

Development Indie Life

For Posterity

I started down the Mac Development road last night.

By this time next year...


My Favorite iOS Apps

I was trying to convince someone at work that we needed to do some iOS Apps. During the conversation I said something I always say about native iOS Apps. They provide the best chance at a great user experience. He asked to give him some examples of great iOS Applications, so I thought I’d share them here.

  1. Twitterrific
  2. Instapaper
  3. Instagram
  4. Camera+
  5. Evernote

I use the applications above more than any others on my phone, but I have a few from some other companies that I really appreciate. Enjoy.

  1. Tapbots
  2. Appcubby

Three Years Ago

Even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime. … The road ahead will be long; our climb will be steep; we may not get there in one year or even in one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there. … but there’s so much more to do.

President Barack Obama, November 4, 2009

Business Life

History – Oddworld Inhabitants

Oddworld: “A spiritual successor was started to make use of the excellent game engine Oddworld Inhabitants had constructed. The Brutal Ballad of Fangus Klot made Stranger look tame, with the eponymous character’s native land invaded by Mafia-esque felines and converted into hardcore catnip factories. Fangus himself started out enslaved as a pitfighter and infected with rabies before he escaped and found the chance to take back his country with his shepherding skills. Unfortunately its development was arrested when publishing problems drove Lorne and Sherry to admit that the current gaming climate was not one they wanted to be a part of, and Oddworld Inhabitants closed its studio down.”

I used to walk by this place when we’d visit San Luis Obispo and dream of working there. At one point I applied for a position with them. I never heard back. Shortly after that, they closed their doors.

They’re back now, but I have no clue where they’re located. I want to say they’re in the UK, but I’m not sure.

I wish them many, many, successful years.


Standard of Living

Christian Science Monitor: “Think life is not as good as it used to be, at least in terms of your wallet? You’d be right about that. The standard of living for Americans has fallen longer and more steeply over the past three years than at any time since the US government began recording it five decades ago.”

I’m blessed to have job.