
Gulf Oil Disaster Suicide

LA Times: “William Allen Kruse, 55, a charter boat captain recently hired by BP as a vessel of opportunity out of Gulf Shores, Ala., died Wednesday morning before 7:30 a.m. of a gunshot to the head, likely self-inflicted, authorities said.”

I hate to say it, but I’m afraid we’ll see more of this. Not even Katrina did this kind of damage.

Here’s another BP marketing campaign. Just spit ballin…

“BP – Man made disasters, better than mother nature, that’s our business.”

We are the World

iPhone Life

iPhone 4, when dropped?

Gizmodo: “Everything was great in my little world—I was in Times Square with my shiny new iPhone 4. And then the inevitable happened—or what, I imagine, we’ll come to think of as the inevitable. I tried to do the little trick where you hold the iPhone 4 just with your left hand and all your bars drop away until you have no service. Note to readers: Don’t do this in a crowded intersection during rush hour. I felt my phone slip from my awkwardly positioned fingers—it hung for a moment at the end of my ear bud cord, like a bungee jumper moments before his cord snaps—and then I painfully watched as it tumbled over the curb in a sudden whirl of annihilation. The back glass panel shattered, and so did my heart. OK, that may be a little melodramatic…but I am really upset.”

Is this karma? You be the judge. Remember, Gizmodo was in possession of a stolen iPhone 4 for a week.

Design Life

Where’d the apple core go?

I’d added my apple core friends back to the weblog a few weeks back, I like ’em, and I missed ’em. But not being a CSS/HTML guru my decision to add it to the background, in CSS, wasn’t the proper decision. You see, it looks crummy on small displays, like the iPhone, and even on desktop displays that can’t display at high resolutions.

So, for the time being, they’re gone again, until I can figure out how to properly display them in the header of the page.

I'll be back!


Life in full view

LA Times: “Los Angeles authorities plan to use hundreds of images taken from police videos, business surveillance cameras, TV news footage, Twitter posts and Facebook pages to identify people who committed crimes after the L.A. Lakers NBA championship win last week.”

Hey, if you’re going to commit a crime in view of a camera, or better yet, implicate yourself via a Facebook or Twitter post, you deserve to be arrested.

Why should the criminals have all the cool tools?


Los Angeles must be so proud

The Christian Science Monitor: “Television footage also showed a man being beaten and a car set on fire. And there were scattered reports of windows being broken at several businesses.”

Los Angeles Lakers fans are pretty representative of what the NBA has become, a game of punks and thugs. Sad really. I don’t know, maybe it’s just all professional sports and their fans?

Los Angeles can’t afford to keep winning. Same thing happened last year.



Um, yeah, ok

New York Times: “The previously unknown deposits — including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium — are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.”

The problem with this is, of course, the nutters that live in the region. You know, the guys that don’t like Western Civilization and want to destroy us. This could create lots of jobs for folks, especially in the private security industry.

We’ll have to keep a close eye on this and see what happens, you know there will be deals made by Western companies to mine those resources.


LEVEL secret #2

Monster Energy, feed the beast within.

Not only do we have “Darn Good Coffee”, we also keep folks jacked with Monster! Gotta love it, legal addictive stimulants, what could be better? Ah, yes, there’s also great snacks all over the place. It’s going to take every bit of will power I possess to not eat all day.


Armando Galarraga, class act

Detroit Free Press: “‘He feels so bad — really bad,’ Galarraga said of Joyce, more than a half-hour after the game. ‘He hasn’t even changed out of his uniform.'”

He really is a class act. He knows he got a perfect game, and he seems to be happy with that.


Just sad

Mother Jones [via Bradley Fitzhenry]: “Elmer’s Island Wildlife Refuge, even after all the warnings, looks worse than I imagined. Pools of oil black and deep stretch down the beach; when cleanup workers drag their rakes along an already-cleaned patch of sand, more auburn crude oozes up. Beneath the surface lie slimy washed-up globules that, one worker says, are ‘so big you could park a car on them.'”

Man. I just don’t know what to say about this stuff. It’s tragic on so many levels.BP, and you thought Katrina was bad.


Junior Retires

Seattle Times: “So it was Wednesday as Griffey — the greatest player in Mariners history and one of the greatest in the history of the game — said goodbye to baseball.”

We lived in Seattle during those early Griffey years, it was an exciting time in Seattle baseball history, THUNDER DOME! I’ll always remember the run in 1995, and that team. First class guys like Jay Buhner and Edgar Martinez. It was a great time in Seattle. Too bad they couldn’t manage to win a World Series with that group.

Happy retirement Junior.

“Hey rookie! You were good.” — Shoeless Joe Jackson (from the movie Field of Dreams)