
Testing IFTTT posting to

If all goes well a link to this post should show up in

This is the IFTTT Recipe I’m using.

Business Social

All you need is… Facebook?

Chris Eh Young: “Three years ago everyone was on the Myspace and Geocities bandwagon. Before that it was AOL. Before that MIRC. Still want to put your entire business on Facebook?”

I’m still a big believer in having your own site for personal use as well as business use. I own the words I publish, not Facebook, or Twitter, or any new service that happens to become the next popular thing.

Use these services as a connector for your website or weblog, not as the source.


Should I?

Remember, April showers bring May flowers.I’ve been running at the new site, with a new look, for a while now and I’ve had a little feedback on the look. It’s been described as “Ugly”, “Baby Poo colors.” I’m being nice using the word poo.

That brings me to my point. Should I bring back the look of my original site?

Do you like the apple cores?