
Movie line of the week

Hollywood!Good morning movie liners, let’s get this show on the road, good luck!

Actor #1: What about you, Miss Granger? What do your parents do in the muggle world?
Actor #2: Ah, my parents are dentists.
Actor #1: And is that considered a dangerous profession?

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.

Adobe Apple

Warnock & Geschke on Open Markets “In the end, we believe the question is really this: Who controls the World Wide Web? And we believe the answer is: nobody — and everybody, but certainly not a single company.”

I couldn’t agree more. It sounds like Adobe is finally embracing web standards. They finally agree Flash doesn’t have to run on everything! It’s about time they came around to realizing it… wait, what? That’s NOT what they’re saying? I’m confused.

Yes, I’m being a bit sarcastic, but that paragraph from the article says it all. Nobody controls the World Wide Web and the iPad and iPhone are not the World Wide Web, they’re simply devices that can view the web.

If Flash MUST be allowed to run on the iPhone and iPad who controls the web?

I like Adobe, I really do. They have a long history, full of great people, and products. I just don’t get the argument. It’s time to move forward. Put Flash on everything else, and focus on making best in class products.

Hey, if you don’t, someone else certainly will.


Movie line of the week answer

Good morning!

We have a winner, congratulations to Mr. Chris Ledoux!

The correct answer was…

Star Trek

See you next Thursday.

Apple iPhone

Verizon and Apple

John Gruber: “Verizon wants the iPhone. It’s a popular and profitable phone; iPhone users pay high monthly service fees. AT&T’s current iPhone exclusivity is its biggest, maybe even only, advantage against Verizon. AT&T’s plans aren’t cheaper, and their service quality is infamously worse. If Verizon had the iPhone, surely many current AT&T customers would switch. And, some number of existing Verizon customers who would have switched to AT&T just to get the iPhone would instead stay with Verizon. Simply put, a Verizon iPhone would be terrible for AT&T. That’s reason enough for Verizon to want it.”

I think the iPhone would be gigantor on Verizon. Not only would some people switch, but existing Verizon customers would buy like crazy.

Apple Development iPad iPhone

We ❤ Choice

Adobe: “We believe open markets that allow developers, publishers, and consumers to make their own choices about how they create, distribute, and access content are essential to progress. That’s why we actively support technologies like HTML4, HTML5, CSS, and H.264, in addition to our own technologies.”

I love Adobe, and Adobe products, but… and there’s always a but, the article talks about openness and freedom, and yes all those technologies called out are open, but I still don’t get the article.

It’s about freedom, right? Here’s a fact for you. Developers have the freedom to choose to develop for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad by choosing to use Apple’s development tools. They also have the freedom to choose to not use those tools and not develop for the platform.

I don’t get it guys, I really don’t.

Flash changed the web experience, admit it. Like other technologies before it, it opened the door, opened eyes, and led to a new standard that is poised to supplant it.

The other thing you have to remember is Adobe can run Flash on a bazillion other platforms. If those platforms, running Flash, start to outsell, or cause Apple to start losing market share, they’ll change their tune.

The Free FreeHand folks have something to say about freedom.


Ellison critical of blogs

Information Week: ‘Praising Sun’s engineering prowess while damning the company’s leadership, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison said Sun’s engineers were given direction that “was so astonishingly bad that even they couldn’t succeed.” Of former Sun CEO and ardent blogger Jonathan Schwartz, Ellison adds, “Lots and lots of blogs does not replace lots and lots of sales.”‘

I’m not sure it was the blogging that was a problem, rather lack of sales, Sun was giving stuff away. With that in mind I say “DUH” to the collapse of the company.


Rob’s 2010 Summer Blockbuster Must See List

Yeah, I like to go to the movies. Here’s what I’m planning to see, I won’t make them all, but I’ll certainly try.

Kick Ass April 16
Iron Man 2 May 7
Shrek Forever After May 21
George A. Romero’s Survival of the Dead May 28
Splice June 4
Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage June 10
The A-Team June 11
Toy Story 3 June 18
Jonah Hex June 18
Knight and Day June 25
Grown Ups June 25
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse June 30
The Last Airbender July 2
Predators July 9
Inception July 16
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice July 16
The Expendables August 13
Machete September 3 (Originally April 16)

Just for grins, here’s last years list.


Movie line of the week

Watchin' it on the big screen!Good morning movie liners, ready for line? I thought you were.

Here it is, good luck!

Dammit, man! I’m a doctor, not a physicist!

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.


Should I?

Remember, April showers bring May flowers.I’ve been running at the new site, with a new look, for a while now and I’ve had a little feedback on the look. It’s been described as “Ugly”, “Baby Poo colors.” I’m being nice using the word poo.

That brings me to my point. Should I bring back the look of my original site?

Do you like the apple cores?

Business Development Life

NY: Help Wanted, Coders

Matt Mireles: “New York City has a shortage of entrepreneurially minded technical talent. It’s not that there’s not enough engineers. Hardly. Columbia, NYU and the rest of the eastern seaboard spits out engineers in spades each year. But somehow those aren’t funneled into, aware of or interested in the NYC startups, at least at the early stage. Local engineers, it seems, want to be employees, not co-founders.”

I’d imagine a lot of kids just out of school would like to learn a bit about the business before they venture out on their own. Maybe they’re interested in working for one of the biggies; Apple, Microsoft, Google, or maybe they’d like to work for one of New York’s own exciting startups like Tumblr, those guys are kicking some major butt at the moment.

It is interesting to see this happening in New York City.