iPhone Mobile

iPhone on Verizon?

CNN: “(CNET) — Rumors that the iPhone is coming to Verizon have been buzzing around the Web over the last day or so. So what should Verizon iPhone users expect when the device finally comes to the nation’s largest wireless network?” – There are three very interesting “takeaways” in that article for me.

  • AT&T 3G Network is faster.
  • Being able to talk and surf at the same time is a feature of the network, not the phone. AT&T is GSM based, Verizon is CDMA.
  • Verizon’s network may collapse just as AT&T’s did under the added weight of iPhone use.

iPhone Mobile

iPhone + Flip Phone

After having lunch with my brother and sister-in-law this afternoon we decided to go to the Verizon store and look for a Palm Pixi, I haven’t seen one yet and wasn’t convinced the screen was as small as my brother claimed. So we head into the store and my brother guides me through the store, showing me his favorite phones, and why he likes them. Then we get some help and find they don’t have a Palm Pixi, but they have the Pre+, so the guy helping us gets one out of the back and let’s me check it out. It’s actually a really nice device, but, I digress…

The iPod Touch 3G

Something my brother said while he was talking to the salesman really got me thinking. He said “You know what would be perfect, an iPod Touch with 3G, and no phone.” When I heard that I thought to myself “That’s a screwy idea.” Wait, no wait, that’s NOT such a screwy idea. Think about this for a couple of minutes. What if you could have an iPhone/iPod Touch with 3G and no phone and have a cheap flip phone for all your voice communication, on the same phone number? That would be awesome. Why? Well here’s the thing. The iPhone sucks battery, and face it, most of the time you don’t use it for talking. It’s mostly about e-mail, texting, Twitter, and Facebook isn’t it? Yes, that’s what I thought. Here’s my brothers, and my, logic. One of the best cell phones I ever had was a cheap “free” Samsung flip phone. No bells and whistles, just a simple voice phone. The thing worked. The sound quality was great and the best thing about it? I had to charge it about once a week.

That’s just crazy talk

Yeah, well, maybe it is. I’ll give you that, but in my brain it makes sense, especially if I can have them both on the same number. Allow voice and text on the cheap phone and use the iPod Touch 3G for all your social adventures, and texting of course. The big advantage is battery life, and from my experience, a better pure phone. This may not be the case for most folks. It would seem that most people text way more that they actually talk, but for me it works.

Then again maybe Apple can just get to work on a battery that’ll last a week on a charge, even under heavy use.

Life Mobile

Merry Christmas, it’s iPad Day!

The Apple iPadThe iPad un-boxing pictures are starting to show up, pictures from Apple Stores, as well as the tweets.

Un-Boxing Pictures

Craig Hockenberry’s iPad
Seah Herber’s iPad
Dave Winer’s iPad pictures

Apple Store Pictures

Chris Parrish from U Village Apple Store.
Mashable has a story and pictures.


Gus Muller – Tweeting in line from the Apple Store, Alderwood Mall, Lynnwood, WA.
Chris Parrish – In line at U Village Apple Store, Seattle, WA.
Emilio Cavazos – He doesn’t say, but I’m betting the Apple Store at Fashion Fair.


Movie line of the week answer

Happy Good Friday to ya’ll!

We received a few guesses yesterday, and have a winner, a newcomer with a familiar last name, Mr. Robert Vore. Robert is the son of MLOTW old-timer Steven Vore. Congratulations Robert!

The correct answer was…

Fight Club

See you next Thursday.


The state of television

Yes, I watch my share of television, I admit it. There’s no mistaking I love movies and a great television show gives me a bit of that movie feel I like so much. The problem with most television today is it’s all about reality shows, and the free stations are full of that garbage. Something I really have zero interest in. I know folks love American Idol, I could care less, they love The Bachelor, meh, I could care less. I fit into a different demographic, although I don’t know what it’s called. It would be something like “People that think reality TV sucks” demographic. Yes, that’s the one I’m a part of. For some strange reason that demographic is better served by cable stations. Yes, of course they have their reality shows, but they also have some of the best programming in television today.

Here’s what I’m watching these days, when I get the chance, most of it on pay stations.

You’ll notice there’s one free station in the mix, NBC. Parenthood is a great show amongst a bunch of turkeys on network television. You’ll also notice there’s is a little problem with my list. Three of the shows I love to watch are on the same night, at the same time. Southland, Justified, and Parenthood are all on Tuesday’s at 10. Thank goodness for online viewing and DVR’s.

UPDATE: After receiving some comments I needed to make an adjustment. Here are a few more TV shows I enjoy.


Movie line of the week

Hot buttered popcorn and a movie, ahhh!I’ve been saving this line for a while now. It’s from one of my “mental” top-100 films of all time.


Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel’s life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted.

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.

Development iPhone Mobile

Yeah, what he said

Marco Arment: “But the biggest reason why there’s no iPhone SDK on Windows or Linux is that it doesn’t need to exist. The iPhone is the premier platform where the most money is being made. Developers will come to Apple — Apple doesn’t need to come to developers. (Google does, as the underdog.) It’s the same reason why there’s no OS X or Linux port of Microsoft Visual Studio, and you don’t see a lot of Mac owners yelling at Microsoft for not porting its sophisticated development environment to their chosen operating system.” – I really like this Marco guy. He’s about as blunt as can be, but he makes fine points. He’s also the creator of Instapaper, an application that’s quickly becoming my favorite little utility.


Fresno and Google Fiber?

James Collier: “I’ve enjoyed the pooling of support from throughout the community, and the rapid speed with which this grew from a few suggestions from the fringe, to something that City officials invested in physically, mentally and financially. But as Chris Samarin noted a couple of weeks ago, if this project is to come to fruition (not all of Google’s hype leads to action, after all), Google has already decided on where.” – If there’s one positive that comes out of the Google Fiber for Fresno effort it’s the community. Folks actually care, they banded together, they made goofy videos and signs, and brought Fresno into the top ten “mentions” for Google Fiber.

There’s a group of Fresnan’s trying to make a difference in the community, to that I say, well done.


There’s no Fool…

The April Fool.

Since I’m no longer writing on my old weblog I’m going to have to pull out the header graphics once in a while, I just love ’em too darned much to keep them stashed away.


Yeah, I’m a lucky guy

Yeah, I’m a lucky guy.

The baby faced kid on the left is me, the beautiful young lady on the right is my lovely bride of 22-years, Kim.