
Movie line of the week

And.... ACTION!Good afternoon movie liners, here’s the line, good luck!

Actor #1: So, is this how you seduce all the girls?
Actor #2: Only physicists with hypothermia who are accused of being a terrorist.

Ok, quick, what movie! Send your guesses here.


Life Lessons: Don’t spend more than you have

Save for the future.Get Rich Slowly: “I decided to only spend money I actually had, and so my purchases of toys slowed dramatically. My extravagances in life dropped to going out to eat with my roommate a couple times a week, and not at particularly fancy places. I got into bicycling as a hobby, on a used, mid-range road bike — not a brand new, high-end model like I would have bought before. And there I sat, content with the computer I already had, my modest bicycle, and the occasional trip out for dinner. I was living quite comfortably on my salary with my new outlook on life. For the first time in years, I felt comfortable with myself. I actually managed to save a few dollars from paycheck to paycheck instead of spending them!” – This is an interesting story. One I’ve read time and again, and one I do not ever want to get into. We’ve been making strides to change how we look at life. Our children are in college and we’re about to become empty nesters. We’ve decided to pay off all debt as quickly as we can, and to that end we’re just about there. Our car loan, along with the disaster I spoke about a couple of days ago with Chase, are the only remaining pieces of debt we have. The car loan will be gone soon, really, really soon, then it’s on to saving, and putting away for the future. Will we live like hermits? No, we won’t. Things will get better because we won’t have any debt, with the exception of our home loan, which we can now focus on paying off.

Read the article. You don’t need credit cards, you can survive in life on cash. It’s a good thing. Don’t spend more than you have.


My brother, the cloud guy

Jerry Fahrni: “The installation went very well. I didn’t have a single problem, which is why I’m creating this blog post on my tablet with a freshly installed Windows 7 OS. Of course I didn’t even attempt an upgrade from Windows XP Pro because it just wasn’t an option. And because I practice what I preach I had almost nothing to re-install once Windows 7 was up and running on the tablet. It’s all about the cloud making my life easier.” – I guess my brother’s obsession with web services is really paying off.

Jay, what’s up with the creepy desktop wallpaper? I hope you swapped that out?


My wife rocks

Kim Fahrni: “I have been with her for over 3 yrs and lets just say that rotating aides every 18 months sound like a much better plan. It’s been awesome to see her growth and get to know her so well, but the burnout is sometimes overwhelming. There are only so many times that you can get hit, kicked, or bit before you start to wonder if you have chosen the right line of work.” – Kim works with autistic and other special needs children. I know she loves her work and the little girl she’s currently working with, but on occasion it can be physically and emotionally draining for her. I hope she’ll keep writing on her weblog as a way to help herself and others dealing with autism.

She’s making a difference, and I think she’s pretty terrific.

Development Indie Mac

Mac Bits for Sale?

Matt Legend Gemmell: “I want to solicit some feedback on the idea of selling source code for the iPad/iPhone and/or Mac platforms. It’s something that’s commonplace (and popular) on other platforms like .NET and Java, but for whatever reason it’s never taken off on the Mac. I think that there’s potentially a reasonable market, particularly for iPhone/iPad, and I’d be interested in your thoughts.” – It’s odd there isn’t more of this in the Mac world. There’s definitely a whole lot of free, very well designed, Mac and iPhone source code floating around out there. Matt’s very own MGTwitterEngine or Gus Muller’s FMDB to name a couple.

I, for one, would welcome high-quality, supported, fully baked component bits for the Mac, iPhone, and iPad. It’ll make my life easier and allow me to focus on creating apps by not having to create as many foundation pieces.


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I thought I’d get out the Seamus Coremally Guinness “Ad” since I’m no longer using these lovely graphics.

Hi Seamus, don’t drink too much tonight.

Design Development

59 Days of Code


59 Days of Code is about to start, go check it out, get signed up, create something.


I hate Chase Credit

Today I decided to pay off my credit card balance, in full, including the interest they’d be charging since the last billing cycle. I called the automated system, spoke to someone to get the interest I’d be charged through tomorrow, and went back to the automated system to pay the full amount. There’s a problem with that. The automated system wouldn’t take the full payment, no, not today, you can only pay the amount you owe today. If you’d like to pay off the full amount including the interest you have to pay an extra $14.00 fee.

Talk about bending you over at every turn. An extra fee because you’re being a responsible citizen and paying the amount in full? I hope this post raises to the top of Google searches for Chase Credit Card.

Chase, screw you. I hope all your leadership rot in hell. Thanks for nothing, you bunch of freaking shysters.

I’ll be closing down my Chase Banking account as well, not that it matters to you, but it matters to me. I just wanted to do business together, I wanted to do the right thing and you won’t let me, so I’ll just take my business elsewhere.


Want to

It’s not 100% complete, and I have quite a few changes to make to make it “feel” like a real Objective-C pro wrote it, but it works today.

P8Engine* p8 = [[P8Engine alloc] initWithOptions:kP8APIKey 
if (p8)
    // Validate user
    [p8 userValidate];

    // Get user sevices.
    [p8 userServices];

    // Get system services.
    [p8 systemServices];

    // Post something.
    [p8 userPostStatus:@"Hello"];

    [p8 release];

Get the P8 Objective-C engine for here.


A fresh coat of pixels

Hundred10 Design Chronicles: “After two and a half years of existence, it’s finally time for us to eat our own dog food. We’ve always paid very little attention to our own website because, well frankly we were pretty damn busy building things for other people. Our previous site was a lean, PHP-sprinkled jobber that was meant to showcase a few projects and be easily updated (not that we did it enough) but not much else. But if we’re going to be out there attempting to instill an understanding of the important of dynamic content and site relevance, we better start walking the walk.” – The gang at Hundred10 is known for their beautifully simple designs, don’t take that for ugly, or poor. No, these guys know design and they show it each and every day. Pixel perfect, every time.

Very nice guys.